Studying consumer behavior & understanding them. Looking at solutions/ products catering to their needs & wants.
Worked across various industries/ categories through consulting, sales & marketing assignments.
Specialties: Strategy - Corporate Strategy, Business road map, infrastructure planning
Marketing - Brand communications, Product management, Innovation/New product development, Media management, Market research, CRM which includes loyalty program, direct marketing, Public relations etc.
Retail Operations - Management of chain of stores, profitabilty, retail expansion, visual merchandising
Operations Management
(10 years)
Operations Management
(10 years)
Operations Management
(10 years)
Retail Management
(10 years)
Retail Management
(10 years)
Retail Management
(10 years)
Marketing Strategy
(20 years)
Marketing Strategy
(20 years)
Marketing Strategy
(20 years)
Business Strategy
(20 years)
Business Strategy
(20 years)
Business Strategy
(20 years)
Business Consultant, Independant, India
01-Mar-2015 to 31-Aug-2016
Job Type : Consulting
• Consult/consulted with Ecommerce, F&B operations, Retail, B2B, FMCG/ Consumer products, Hospitality (hotels/ resorts) clients ( a mix of long term and short term projects)
• Consult largely in strategy, marketing, sales and operations.